Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I've Got A Special On Lollipops & Ass-Kickings And I'm All Out Of Lollipops

I would love to be able to kick someone's ass. I don't have anyone in particular in mind; this is more of a general desire. I would like to be able to say "Oh yeah? C'mon, let's go!" and then actually go. I would like to be able to do windmill kicks and flip someone over my shoulder and crush a windpipe. I don't actually want to do these things, I just want to be able to. Like The Rock or Buffy. Unfortunately, if I was in a fight, all I would be able to do is bite and scratch and, if it was with a man, aim a kick at the balls. Should I take up martial arts or is this maybe a vein best left untapped?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Violence is never the answer" - Ricky Lake