Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Annoying Co-Worker II

Here is something that AC-W does every day and it is only a matter of time before I snap. She is often the first person here and she lays in wait in her office for the next arrival. When the next person gets to work, after they (me) don't call out hello immediately she cries out "Hello, hello!" in a sing-song voice. When the new arrival replies back "Hi" or "Good Morning" or, in my case, "Grunt" she then says "Sounds like......E!" as though she is a game show participant. I know who I am! Why is she telling me something that that I have know my whole life?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well the reason she comes in so early is so she can check what her name is on one of those little name boards on her desk, and I suppose that she must assume everyone else can forget their name as easily.

Just a guess.