Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Taxi Driver Is Always Right?

Last night I took a taxi home from Georgetown. The driver asked me the best way to reach my house and I said told him to take the parkway. But he shook his head so I suggested K to 14th to Penn and he still didn't like that and said he wanted to take K to 7th because K wouldn't be crowded at that time of night. I said "whatever" and settled back. He hit K but stayed in the access lane and kept getting stuck behind cars. He turned onto 14th while casting me a look as if to say "you don't see me taking your advice" but didn't turn onto Penn and then got all huffy when we hit traffic between Constitution and Independence. I refrained from pointing out that, as the person who lives at the place we were going to, I just might know the best way to get there. And why did he ask in the first place if he just wanted to go his own long way? And to top it all off - he charged me three zones!

1 comment:

Mary1975 said...

Rule #1 If the driver asks you for directions he must follow them

Rule #2 If there is heavy traffic on the route you advised, he must not get huffy as it is your fault, and you will accept blame, and pay any extra charges

Rule #3 If you ask the driver to take a specific route, and he refuses, you will refuse him a tip