Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Bend Over, District

Not only will we be losing tax revenue if the Local 25 strikes, we have to spend a huge chunk of our homeland security funds on Bush's inauguration. Why is the city that had the lowest percentage of votes for GW paying for his inauguration? Courtland Milloy has a few things to say about DC footing the bill for Bush's Party

At least DC's restaurants are getting better. BI'75 and I had dinner with her college friend, Dave Choi, last night at
Logan Tavern. I had the Crab & Shrimp Mac 'n Cheese. God bless the chef who thought that one up.

After that, we paid our usual Tuesday visit to the Lounge only to find it crammed with the 109th congressional staff. I could only stomach one beer surrounded by pearls and red neckties and we had to leave.

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