Friday, September 22, 2006

What She Said

B'75 says it best. Haven't really been doing much except worrying about my old mens (Papa E and Alobar). Stuttering a lot, which I haven't done in years--brain must be too full.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Select State

Even those watchdogs of fairness and equality over at the People for the American Way have proven to be insensitive to the disenfranchisement of the District of Columbia in their own small way (even as they support HR 5388). If you go the elections page for DC, you will be given the opportunity to view the status of our gubernatorial race.

Wait? We have a governor?

This is even better than phoning a call center and having them ask you what state you are in. Even call centers in DC do this. It is not quite as good as the first time I'm tried to buy a cell phone from the AT&T website back in '99. The did not even have DC in their drop-down box. The customer service representative who bore the brunt of my frustration suggested that I try using MD or VA because "it was the same thing." That did not work and he was treated to a civics lesson which I'm sure he appreciates to this day.

Friday, September 1, 2006

Out of the Mouths of Dads

"The worst part about starting school in the fall is having to wear shoes again."
- Papa E