Saturday, April 30, 2005

I Knew Someday My Bike Would Come

Purdue University industrial designers have designed a trike/bike that starts as a tricycle and turns into a bicycle as the rider pedals faster. The designers intend for this new design to replace bicycles with old fashioned training wheels (the kind that the parent needs to hold onto as the child learns to balance), freeing the parent of one more responsibility towards the child. Hopefully industrial designers will come out with more parent-free products and, soon, children can just raise their damn selves.

My parents weren't really concerned with bicycle related responsibilities and I never learned to ride. Well, that isn't exactly true - an older friend (when I say older, I mean she was eight) taught me and I had a horrible crash and spent the next three days in bed and have never been able to ride a bike since. Do you think they will make the b/trike for adults?

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