Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Speak English

To paraphrase 3YO, "No, you speak English."

Now, while this does make my skin crawl, it is not one of my absolute pet peeves. That is a tie between "anyways" and "her and I." I have a visible physical reaction when I hear someone utter those phrases. My mom can't stand "if it was me," something I am guilty of saying. What are your grammar grievances?


healysequoia said...

"Me and SoandSo went..."

and ending sentences in prepositions.

Elizabeth said...

Do you hate "prepositions at end" only in written English or in spoken as well? I'm OK with it. That rule is Latin, and English is Germanic. Some old smarty-pants prescriptivists decided that Latin was classier and declared that we could not say things like "what for?" or split infinitives. I'm more of a descriptivist and believe that language is fluid.

I didn't mention "she and me," because it goes without saying. The "her and I" thing bothers me more, because people do it to sound smarter only to achive the opposite effect.

Mary1975 said...

Pet Peeve. When people say "I" when "me" is correct, and they are trying to sound correct by saying "I."

Beginning sentences with By, For, In. I know it's not the worst thing in the world and grammar does not make a case against it, but I think it makes for weakass sentences.

Use of conjunctions in formal written communications. Again,weakass.

Mary1975 said...

Here is what I hate the most. Honest to god. The use of myself instead of me:

Please use myself and my colleagues as a resource; we look forward to helping you along the way!

Use ME as a resource, dimwits!

healysequoia said...

Thats a good one Mary - I want to change my answer to the "myself" thing. This is a very popular thing to say and write in Ireland - applies to ourselves as well.

Also anytime anyone says "utilize" when "use" is all they really mean.