Saturday, January 13, 2007

My Eyes!

After 26 years of coke-bottle lenses, uncomfortable contacts and a not a few incidents of glasses falling behind the bed not to be found for up to an hour, I can finally see my clock in the morning without holding it up to my face. That's right, I got LASIK! Here is what they did to my eyes:

Now, I can:

  • Tell the difference between shampoo and conditioner (and toothpaste and cortizone cream
  • Pluck my eyebrows without putting my nose to the mirror
  • Wear any kind of sunglasses I want

And much, much more!

When searching for the above image, I came across this:

Check out their site--super funny. I hope some people actually try to order this; they deserve to be out $99.00 for being stupid.

Thanks to Papa E for the best present ever.

Channeling Dominic Dunne

Papa E loves his trademark round glasses, so you can imagine his dismay when the optician broke them when replacing his prescription. After they refused to replace them free of charge, he ordered a new pair. The optician suggested he get a larger size. What arrived was just too ridiculous for words. So we took pictures. Click on Papa E to see the glasses modeled by the entire family as well as house guests.