Thursday, April 3, 2008

Where I'm From

At a meeting on Monday, our facilitator had us do a group exercise. This type of thing usually leaves me groaning, rolling my eyes and writhing on the floor in agony (in my head, of course), but this one was actually kind of cool. He read us George Ella Lyon's poem "Where I'm From" and then had us write our own. There was a groan-inducing moment when the facilitator read his and it mentioned "shagging" his wife. Here's mine. What's yours?
I am from blacktop playgrounds and dusty public libraries,
From the Smithsonian and the Waterfront,
From the 930 Club and Fort Reno Park,
From “form follows function” and ROY G BIV,
From Warshington and Sandy Mush,
From Passover Seder and Easter Brunch.

1 comment:

healysequoia said...

time for new blogging - i expect all sorts next week!