Sunday, February 3, 2008

The First Rule of Book Club

BI'75 likes to say that the first rule of Book Club is that you don't talk about Book Club. When she says that, I think she has images of us bludgeoning each other with that month's pick. The actual first rule of Book Club is that you have to admit when you didn't read the book (a rule that Bi'75 has to fulfill quite often).

I started Book Club with C and M1 over two years ago after C and I met at a bar to discuss Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. We decided we wanted a Book Club where people could be introduced to books they might not otherwise have read. So far I've gotten everyone to read a graphic novel, a (liberal) Republican has rethought the war in Iraq and everyone has decided that Philip Roth is a mysoginistic pig-man.

I've changed the "books e read" to "e read for book club" because a. I read too many damn books to list and b. it's interesting to see the evolution of our choices and who picked what. The list is in order from most recent to least recent and the preceding inital represents who chose it. There are two ladies whose names begin with "m;" the numeral is who chose first, not who is more awesome because, really, how could I choose that.


healysequoia said...

Colleen just read Water for Elephants - she loved it perhaps she will discuss with you. I may read it next!

Liz said...

Thanks for the book ideas! And congrats on the 20 lbs. I did the same and also find myself preening much more often than I used to :)