Well, I'll tell you! Not since the now-defunct Tik Tok have I been this excited about an automated food-dispensing maching (although the convenience noodle vending machines in China were pretty cool). I give you the Wonder Pizza!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Just How Fast Can Food Be?
e said @ 8:57 PM 4 you said
Thursday, February 15, 2007
He Has Risen
No, not Jesus, silly (although, if you look closely, you can see his bleeding heart or holy ghost or burning bush or some other thing above my head). Tony T, the world's best bartender in the whole world, has opened his bar, The Pug. Below is a photo of BI'75 and me enjoying our first beers on his first night.
e said @ 5:31 PM 1 you said
. drink
Monday, February 12, 2007
Nobody Bothers Me!
Calling all Washingtonians! Look what BI'75 dug up for us!
e said @ 7:15 PM 3 you said
. ads
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Does It Mean You're Old...
...When the music that meant you were alternative and cool because you listened to it before everyone else and even had it on vinyl is being used in a fast food advertisement? Because I just heard "Blister in the Sun" on a Wendy's commercial. Oh, it hurts.
e said @ 11:57 PM 2 you said
. heard, selling out
Countdown to Normalcy
For nine months out of the year, BI’75 and I have the house to ourselves. We cook healthy dinners every night, the kitchen is always clean and there is always plenty of cheese. A person can lay on the couch uninterrupted for hours and never has to answer questions ranging from why the people in commercials talk so fast to what my generation thinks of “this mess.”
For the other three months, our house is overrun by senior citizens. CNN blares from every TV and NPR from every radio—at the same time. I give computer and cell phone tutorials on a nightly basis. The kitchen is littered with American cheese wrappers and we are always out of milk. The fights start promptly at 7:00 AM, and I have to threaten someone with the old folks home at least once a week. Please refer to my list of grievances from last year for more.
Since I can’t afford the other $1,600 per month that would make up half the rent on a place like this, I suppose it’s a small price to pay, but that doesn’t mean I’m not counting the days until Ma and Pa E pack up and head north.
e said @ 11:01 PM 7 you said
. family
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Putting the UK in Yuck
It's been a while since the United Kingdom had a deadly animal-related disease terrorizing its citizens, so you can imagine that I was not surprised when CNN revealed that the country to which it had been referring to in the teases about the bird flu "hitting closer to home was the UK. For a nation without rabies, they sure make up for lost time (where time equals animal-related deaths). I wonder how much overtime the Irish Garda will log checking the trunks of cars crossing the Northern Ireland/Ireland border *.
* Reference to extremely long period of time spent waiting to cross said border at the height of the hoof and mouth panic. Wait ended with the Garda checking Coll's trunk for, what I could only assume to be, a smuggled cow.
e said @ 4:46 PM 5 you said
Extreme Decrease In Blogging
I just switched to the new Blogger format. I like the way the new system organizes my archives, but I was shocked to see how my numbers have decreased since I first started blogging.
In 2005, I posted every 3.04 days.
In 2006, I posted every 9.86 days.
In 2007, so far, I have posted every 17 days.
In my defense, it has been a rough year so far. Alobar was very sick and had to be put to sleep last Saturday. I picked up his ashes today; the crematorium put them in a miniature wooden mausoleum. They also made a little paw print (a little creepy).
People keep asking me if I am going to get a new cat (for example, Papa E, to whom I responded, "When you die, am I supposed to get a new dad?"). I had a very strong reaction to W's cat rubbing against my legs the other day--I couldn't get away from her fast enough. Maybe in a few months. Alobar was such a kick-ass cat and will be difficult to replace.
So, the next time you have a drink, pour one out for our feline homie.
e said @ 3:24 PM 1 you said
. alobar, lazy blogger, RIP