Tuesday, August 8, 2006

How I Spent My Summer Vacation by E

Last week, BI'75 and I visited the Kennedy’s compound on Martha’s Vineyard. After arriving by private jet, we were each shown to our private suite. Our second evening, we were the guests of honor at a fabulous soiree at the club. The rest of our days were spent sunning ourselves on our private beach and shopping to our hearts’ content. Naturally, we partook in the de rigeur croquet games and clam bakes. All in all it was a lovely week, and we can’t wait for our next trip.

Glossary of Terms


My parent’s 800 square foot house

Private Jet
Ferry (following 10 hour drive)

Private Suite
Closet with child’s twin bed

Dip and wine


Private Beach
State Beach

Window shopping

Helping Dad garden

Clam Bake
Sitting on the porch drinking cheap Chablis


healysequoia said...

what's that!?

Elizabeth said...

It's a rock covered in oysters! Delicious oysters...mmmm...

Mary1975 said...

How did you help dad garden? I got two blisters and the side garden is now named after me. Did you know that?

Elizabeth said...

My assistance was more subtle. I helped by keeping out of you and Dad's way as any gardening done by me would be poor at best.

I did know about the blisters; you mentioned them about 2,357 times. Did you have any lunch today?

Liz said...

e - this is a brilliant and inspired post with the glossary of terms...classic. loved it.